The new website:

  • static site generator: hugo
  • github pages

The main idea behind this new approach is to cut down unnecesary expenses (last host wasn’t that expensive but definitely unnecesary), to try out new technologies (I’m learning go and hugo is written in go, even though so far this is all automated) and to keep working on this amazing project.

To sum up what has been done so far:

  • developed a new human-software interface (got my engineering degree with it)
    • my PoC for the new interface showcases a 3D virtual puppet remote controlled by a smartphone (with real time data from the gyrscope)
    • developed a couple of puppet webapps: one santa puppet (Kurt) and a samba dancer (Joao)
  • worked on a prototype for a single player penalty kicker game using the same technology
    • new physics engine: cannonjs
    • scaled world objects helped this bring in more realism to the simulation
    • on hold due to a change in heart to go for another project (this one did set the whole thing in motion since a scaled version of a soccer field was developed)
  • plans for a vr soccer-like vr game are in motion (there is a github repo about it:
    • this will include some new architecture for the whole system: using micro-services for the different modules
    • learning docker and maybe vagrant for the components
  • new technologies to look at: a-frame, cannonjs, docker & vagrant, mosaic9 (awesome project in itself too) for frontend micro-services

So there you go.
